
After numerous falls and disasters, I realised I needed help before me or my horse ended seriously injured. And thank goodness I found Sue.

Her methods allowed me to look at my behaviour first, what emotions I was putting on him, and how my body language was giving out the wrong signals.  I had no idea how weak my leadership skills were, but by working first from the ground before even attempting the ridden side of things, it gave us the confidence in each other which was lacking.


My horse was a bolter! He would get very panicky and run away.

I didn't want to give up on him or me, which is where my journey with Sue and more kind, natural methods of training started.

I now have a horse which hacks out in a halter, is beautifully light and balanced under saddle, and performs rein backs, turns on the quarters, turns on the forehand, and lateral moves using seat and weight aids. We have been cross-country schooling and I am planning to compete in Trec this year! We also have a deep bond and a mutually respecting, loving partnership!