Marie and Gabriel

My horse, Gabriel, has melanomas (grey horse lumps) under his tail, down his dock, in his ear and inside his sheath. Although they don’t seem to cause problems they are like icebergs with more going on under the surface than can ever be seen and I know that ultimately, if left to develop unchecked, they can interfere with bodily functions. The vet had told me there was nothing to be done and so I contacted Sue.

I didn’t expect miracles but I just wanted to give Gabriel every chance to live as long and as comfortable a life as possible – he is now 19.

I still don’t know what the final outcome will be with regard to reducing or resolving the lumps but I do know that Gabriel appreciates the healing that Sue gives him. He turns his body in the direction he wants the energy directed and walks away when he is done.

Since starting the healing sessions he has been very happy in himself. I also love the sessions which leave me feeling relaxed and at one with the world.

I have learned that healing isn’t always about curing but about helping us and our animals cope with what life throws at us.

I can’t recommend Sue enough.