
Here is a small selection of the articles I have had publshed.

Scary objects?
Scary objects?

Gain Your Horse's Confidence

This article talks through how to prepare your horse for all the scary objects and situations that we ask him to cope with.

A calm horse makes this easy
A calm horse makes this easy

Preparation for the Vet

Whether your horse sustains an injury or whether he needs summer or winter creams, lotions or portions, we want our horses safe, calm trusting and confident.

Calm anywhere
Calm anywhere

Preparation for the Vet (2)

If your horse sustains an injury and needs to be clipped or have daily treatment of injections/ bandaging/ lotions or potions, you want him safe, calm trusting and confident.

This article shares more information on how to de-sensitise your horse over his whole body and specifically his legs.


Has your horse been traumatised by the clippers? Are you clipping your horse for the first time?

This article is a step by step guide to help your horse be confident around the noise and the sensation as well as the wires.